home maintenance, it never stops. This time cleaning the screen filter
in the shower because pressure had dropped. I wrote a comprehensive
article about this a few years ago, but withdrew it because of liability
worries. It's not the sort of thing that should be done unless you are
experienced and know the potential hazards and understand the safety
precautions which must be taken. This filter could easily be broken too I
guess if it's pulled out unevenly or with excess force. And it needs to
be seated properly too when it goes back in so that the O-rings fit
tightly, so observing such details and how things were before they were
disassembled is important. Water spraying inside a compartment onto live
parts wouldn't exactly be safe, especially if an RCD isn't fitted at
the consumer panel to shut off power in this scenario. Not sure why they
put the filter inside. Some manufacturers have made them accessible
from outside the enclosure.