Image courtesy Google Maps and Maxar Technologies
often wondered about this circular pond area at the back of what's
called "Brownstown House" on the first edition c. 1837 OSI map or 19
Mile House Inn on earlier maps, once the meeting place of 1798 rebels
and a home of the McDonnell family in past decades. The Geological
Survey of Ireland interactive map however doesn't show any magnetic
anomalies which I think would be the case if it was a mini crater site,
meteorites often being made of iron. But not all of them are. Maybe the
circular shape is man-made or a natural phenomenon due to the edges
falling in uniformly all around the perimeter because of erosion and
sheep wandering around it over time.
Does anyone know anything about it?
Maybe it's a turlough?
is a red "hotspot" of magnetic intensity further east, but I think that
may be due to the covered KTK landfill (Planning permission has now
been lodged for a solar farm there). When I zoom into the map, the
shading disappears, so I can't identify whether it aligns with the
landfill. I've queried this bug with the GSI.
Edit: This EPA report from 2011 mentions "..reclamation of metals and metal compounds" at the KTK landfill.
A close-up of the pond. Image courtesy Google Maps and Maxar Technologies |
6" c. 1837 map, courtesy OSI (Tailte Éireann)
The red area shows a region of higher magnetic intensity. Map courtesy GSI (Tailte Éireann)