Thursday, October 17, 2024

Energy Units, Specific Heat Capacity and Sea Breezes

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Compared to other substances, water has a huge specific heat capacity. This means it takes a relatively large amount of heat transferred to it to raise its temperature. Specific heat capacity is defined as the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of one kilogram of a material by one degree kelvin. I.e. 1 °K (which is the same as 1 °C). Whereas the zero point on the Celsius temperature scale starts at the freezing point of water which is 0 °C, the Kelvin temperature scale starts at absolute zero when the motion of all atoms ceases. 0 °K is equivalent to −273.15 °C. However a difference in temperature of 1 °C = 1 °K, so the divisions on both scales are the same magnitude.

What are calories?


The joule is the metric unit of energy, although the calorie is still used in some countries and in the context of food or heating systems (The British Thermal Unit or BTU is also used). The kilocalorie, also known as the kilogram calorie, great calorie or large calorie is what's marked on food products however and is one thousand small calories. One large calorie is the energy required to heat 1 l of water by 1 °C. One full sized Mars bar has 260 calories so it has enough energy to boil two full kettles of water if burned and all the energy transferred as heat to the water
This is how the calorific heat content of materials was traditionally measured in a lab: Burn a known weight of material in an insulated chamber called a bomb calorimeter and measure by how much it raises the temperature of a known quantity of water.

The Joule, the metric unit of energy


Back to metric. Energy in the SI system is measured in joules. The symbol for joules is J, watts is W and seconds is S, so 1 J equals 1 W for 1 S. A one bar electric fire with a 1000 W bar uses 1000 J in 1 S. Similarly a 20 W LED bulb uses 20 J in 1 S.
Water has a specific heat capacity of 4200 J/kg °K. (read as "joules per kilogram per degree kelvin). Compare this to iron for instance which only has a SHC of 451 J/kg °K. Soil has a SHC of between 800 and 1480 J/kg °K, depending on whether it's dry or wet. The high SHC of water has several consequences. It's responsible for our mild climate because the Atlantic Ocean holds a lot of heat and keeps us relatively warm in winter. In the summer, the ocean prevents the air temperature from becoming too high. However regions that are a long distance inland and far from the ocean have a continental climate because the land surface has such a relatively low SHC and doesn't hold so much heat. The low SHC causes the ground surface to heat up fast in summer so ambient air temperature becomes high, but in winter, temperatures plummet.

Sea breezes.


The difference in SHC of sea versus land is responsible for how sea breezes change direction between day and night. In the daytime, land heats up quicker than the sea and air moves towards land to replace air that rises as it increases in temperature. This is because the air becomes less dense as it expands and therefore more buoyant, just like a helium or hot air balloon rises upwards (that's how your fireplace and chimney work also). During the night the opposite happens: Land cools down quicker than the sea, so rising air over the sea causes air movement away from the land.

What material has the highest specific heat capacity?


Hydrogen has a SHC of 14,307 kJ/kg K, over three times that of water.
On the Engineering Toolbox site. Specific heat capacity of various materials.