Saturday, August 17, 2024

A Little Bit of Civil Engineering

New bridge over the Lemonstown Stream/Toor Brook. © Eugene Brennan

I spotted this on the way back from my cycle on the woodland trails near Turlough Hill on Sunday evening. Construction of a new bridge/culvert over the Toor Brook and widening of the road seems to be progressing well at Alliganstown. The existing bridge on Mill Lane was narrow and on a bend, with no crash barrier or parapets, so a vehicle could have potentially ended up in the stream if it met another and had to take evasive action. Farm vehicles on these types of lanes are common and they usually take up the full width of the road, so hopefully this will make things a bit safer.
Well done to Cllr. Tracey O'Dwyer who proposed the motion in January, 2022 to carry out an assessment of the bridge. The lane provides access to six farms and seven households, according to the motion.
© Eugene Brennan         

© Eugene Brennan

© Eugene Brennan

© Eugene Brennan
The waterway is described in the council motion as the Lemonstown Stream. Toor Brook is from Openstreetmap and the 25" circa 1900 OSI map, but often geographical features and placenames can have several names.
This document lists the council motion: