Thursday, July 25, 2024

Pocket Weighing Scales From Temu

Pocket scales from Temu © Eugene Brennan

Playing with my latest Temuu gadget. A pocket scales which cost less than €5. Without proper calibration weights, it's hard to tell how accurate it is, but this is what it displays with some weights I bought.
Not sure what I'll use it for 🙄. No, I'm not becoming a drug dealer, but I like measuring instruments.
There used to be a balance in our classroom in the BNS, when it was based in what is now Kilcullen Library, along with glassware and other scientific equipment, hidden away in a cupboard (including a bottle of mercury which is highly toxic). They may have dated from before the war. We never used those items though.
Some information here on the teaching of "Rural Science" and "Nature Studies" in primary schools in the early part of the 20th century. The teaching of these subjects became optional in 1934, more emphasis being placed on using the time for teaching Irish:

Some more photos of what the scales indicated for the various weights I bought.