concrete forming the dome of the Pantheon in Rome didn't need to be
reinforced, presumably because none of the components are under tension
and the structure is effectively a 3D arch (A dome can be thought of as
an arch rotated through 360 degrees around its keystone). Arches are
strong and can withstand large loads pushing down from above with the
stones being squeezed together and put under compressive forces,
resisting breaking. They also direct forces out to the side of the arch.
Concrete or stone is strong in compression, so it can be "squashed" and
loaded by stacking pieces one on top of another as in a stone or block
wall, or pillars. However it's relatively weak in tension. So if you put
a plain concrete beam over a wide opening and load it sufficiently, the
concrete will snap on the underside as it's stretched or put under
tension. Steel is strong in tension and reinforced concrete makes use of this property by employing embedded steel bars called rebar to form a composite material. This is strong under both compressive and tensile loads.The concrete dome of the Pantheon in Rome. Public domain image by MariamS on Pixabay.
Thursday, May 30, 2024
Roman Concrete
The Checker Shadow Illusion
Our brains are constantly making assumptions as they perceive the world around us, interpreting and interpolating or "joining the dots" when parts of a scene, sound or other input to our senses are missing. Sometimes the brain gets things wrong. Here's an example, the checker shadow illusion. Squares marked A and B are the same shade of grey, but influenced by the variation of shades around them.
Image attribution: Edward H. Adelson, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons.
If you don't believe me, cut out the squares in your favourite photo editor and paste the pieces onto a white background. Alternatively, use the eyedropper tool to sample the RGB components.
This, along with visual hallucinations and pareidolia (seeing faces in places) are probably responsible for many ghost sightings.
Saturn V First Stage
Recommended Scientific Calculator App — HiPER Calc
I don't use a scientific calculator anymore because app versions are more convenient. HiPER Calc has all the basic scientific functions that you'll find on a Sharp or Casio model such as trigonometric functions, square root, exponential operations (squares and higher powers of values), log functions, base conversion etc. It also has a multiline display so you can see the formulas/operands that you're typing, plus "backspace" and cursor controls for editing entered data. It can graph functions of single and double variables (surfaces) and work out definite and indefinite integrals. I'm using it here to calculate the log of a value.
One Second in 40 Billion Years?
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NIST-F2 cesium fountain atomic clock. National Institute of Standards and Technology - Physics Laboratory: Public domain image |
it won't be used to make sure The Angelus starts at dead on 6 pm or even
for timing sports events. The accuracy of atomic clocks has been used
to prove the validity of Einstein's Special and General Theories of
Relativity, time dilation occurring when something moves very fast or
when subjected to lower gravity. To prove the theory, clocks were flown
on jets travelling in different directions as part of the Hafele–Keating
experiment in 1971. When the clock on the eastbound jet was compared to
a clock remaining on the ground, it was found that it was was slower
than the ground-based one by 40 nano seconds. It ran slower because of
the speed of the jet, but faster because of the reduced gravity at
cruising altitude, the net loss being 40 nS. If we could travel at close
to the speed of light in a spacecraft, and could see what's happening
on Earth, everything would seem to be happening at super fast-forward
speed, while time would progress at a normal speed for us. From the
point of view of an observer viewing us from Earth, time would appear to
stand still in our spacecraft. Atomic clocks have practical uses on GPS
satellites, nanosecond accuracy giving good positional accuracy when we
use GPS to find our position on Earth. This latest clock will have uses
presumably for studying the fundamental behaviour of the Universe.
You can read about the new clock on the Popular Mechanics site here.
Flight Controls
A nice little animated GIF from Wikipedia showing how the flight controls in an aircraft work. The rudder pedals and control column (also known as the control stick, control yoke or control wheel) or joystick on more modern aircraft, move the control surfaces to make the aircraft roll, pitch or yaw. A): aileron, B): control stick, C): elevator, D): rudder. In early aircraft, the linkages would have been steel cables like bicycle brake cables or car handbrake cables. This system is still used on some light aircraft. As aircraft became larger, it would have been infeasible to move heavy control surfaces by hand simply because of their weight and aerodynamic forces on the surfaces (like when you try to control an umbrella in high winds) so hydraulics was used to move the surfaces (similar to the way a digger works.) Nowadays most aircraft are fly-by-wire, meaning when the pilot moves the stick, a control signal is sent to electrical servos which move the control surfaces. The Airbus A320 was the first commercial aircraft to use this system in 1987 although fighter aircraft previously used a version of the technology. Fly-by-optics is another development, allowing higher data transfer rates and immunity to electromagnetic interference (EMI).
There's a discussion about fly-by-wire on Aviation StackExchange here.
Image attribution: Piotr Jaworski, CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons. Original animated GIF converted to this MP4 video.
Wednesday, May 29, 2024
The Beginning of Radio Communication
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Photo © Eugene Brennan |
From one of the old books that belonged to my grandfather. A note in the appendix of a volume of the ICS reference library, 1905. If only they knew the developments that were to come in the future! In modern parlance, "the high-frequency transmission wave" is known as a carrier and the modification of the carrier by the superimposed wave is known as modulation. Sound waves having frequencies in the audible spectrum can't just be converted to an equivalent radio signal and transmitted. The frequency would be too low and for various technical reasons, including providing sufficient bandwidth for other channels broadcasting on and sharing the radio spectrum, and minimizing the size of antenna required, a technique called modulation is used. This is commonly either either amplitude modulation (AM) or frequency modulation (FM). The carrier is varied by a modulating signal derived from e.g. an amplified signal from a microphone, which changes the carrier's "size" (amplitude) or frequency. Originally, carriers were low, in the hundreds of kHz or somewhat lower. Carrier frequencies nowadays are vastly higher, typically 5 gigahertz (GHz) for WIFI and up to 108 MHz for normal radio broadcast programs on the FM band.
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Photo © Eugene Brennan |
Sharpen Your Garden Tools!
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Photo © Eugene Brennan |
sense physics. Reduce the area of an edge and you get higher pressures.
It's high pressure that cuts because of the tiny area of a sharp edge, not the force. Pressure = force divided
by area, so reducing area by sharpening a blunt edge increases pressure for the same force and tools cut better.
Annoying Laces
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Image generated by AI using Bing Image Creator |
In machines where the components aren't subjected to high loads which would cause a lot of wear, nylon is often used instead of more costly steel or brass. So for instance gears and pulleys are made of nylon, the advantage being its low coefficient of friction and no requirement to use grease or oil for lubrication. Most analogue wall clocks have nylon gears in the mechanism.
Severe Thunderstorm of 1985
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Lightning, probably striking the River Liffey or trees in New Abbey woods. Photo © Eugene Brennan |
The Right to Repair
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Image courtesy iFixit |
Big Picture Science Podcast — Nuts and Bolts
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SETI Astronomer Seth Shostak and producer Molly Bentley talk to Roma Agrawal about her book Nuts and Bolts: Seven Small Inventions That Changed the World in a Big Way in which she explores fasteners, pumps and some of the other inventions which shaped our world.
Graphing Calculator Tools
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Image generated by AI using Bing Image Creator |
Parabolas in Nature
The parabola, a geometric shape that can be defined as the locus of points equidistant from an axis called the directrix and a point called the focus.
Graphic created with Geogebra (GIF export resolution is a bit low and limited to 400 pixels wide, hence the fuzziness, so I have to figure out if it's possible to increase this)
Sunday, May 26, 2024
Carving the Riverbed
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Public domain image by Ala Beara via Wikimedia Commons |
The Kilcullen Diary's article about water safety made me think about the "Sally Hole" adjacent to St Brigid's Well being one of the danger spots where the river narrows a bit. I'm thinking there's a venturi effect and speed increases (like the way a carburetor works). Possibly this scours the bend, deepening the river bed, hence the Sally Hole?
Image courtesy OSI (Taillte Éireann)
"Nearby" Earth-Like Planet Found
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Image created with Bing Image Creator |
In our backyard, only 40 light years away. Considering a leisurely bike ride to the Sun would take 600 years, getting to the planet named Gliese 12B anytime soon would be out of the question though. 40 light years is 240 trillion miles (240,000,000,000,000 miles)
THE LONGEST HEAVY-DUTY RAILWAY BRIDGE IN THE WORLD built by the Chinese. Meanwhile the Dublin Metrolink was thought about in the 70s, proposed in 2000 and won't be completed until 2035. The Chinese system of bulldozing ahead with new projects is at the other extreme and 1.3 million people were displaced for instance to complete the Three Gorges Dam project. Still, you'd be a bit envious of how things like this get done, whereas here we have projects stalled because of rare snails, nimbyism and other ridiculous issues.
Sunday, May 12, 2024
The Most Dense Metals
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There used to be a
bottle of mercury (which was quite weighty) in the BNS in Kilcullen when
it was situated in the current library building. Hopefully the mercury
was disposed of safely or is now stored properly. There was also a
collection of scientific apparatus, glassware, and a balance from a time
when science was taught in primary schools. (Before revised curriculums
in more recent decades when it was reintroduced, although we did have
"Nature Studies" in the 70s). I wonder what happened all that equipment?
According to this Irish Times article, science was dropped as a
compulsory subject following independence in 1922 (I've run out of my
free article quota for this month, so I can't read the full article yet)
Explosions and Condensation of Air
Usually increases in pressure cause moisture to condense out (as in the case of an air compressor which has to be drained regularly). But that's when there's an isothermal compression and time for air to cool. In an explosion, the air compresses rapidly which makes it hot (so it should hold more moisture before condensing). But this competes with the moisture tending to condense out due to the air being compressed. Higher temperature wins out and moisture doesn't condense. It's actually the negative phase of the explosion that causes underpressure and partial vacuum that's responsible for causing air cooling and condensation (the second of the "booms" of the double boom heard during an explosion, when there's a rebound and pressure drops ). This phenomenon can also be observed when gas from an aerosol, e.g. deodorant, is released and can be at near freezing point or even produce frost, again due to the drop in temperature because of gas expansion.
Arcs and Sparks
Why Are the Northern Lights Different Colours?
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green and pink, but sometimes blue. The display is effectively like a
giant fluorescent tube (which is a type of discharge lighting, along
with sodium and mercury vapour lamps, used for street lighting.) Just
like the way a neon lamp gives out pink light as electrons collide with
neon molecules in the lamp (an electric current is simply a flow of
electrons), high energy charged particles from the Sun hit the
atmosphere, causing various gases to fluoresce and emit light of
different colours. Green is produced by oxygen in the atmosphere and red
and pink are produced by oxygen at higher altitudes when the electrons
in oxygen atoms are excited to higher levels. More info here:
Saturday, May 11, 2024
Inertial Guidance Systems and Velocity Measurement
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Image generated by AI using Bing Image Creator |
The Solar System and the Earth within it is moving around the Milky
Way galaxy at a velocity of 826,000 km/h. The human body can't sense
constant speed, only acceleration when we're speeding up or slowing
down, so we're not aware of the motion. (In physics we tend to call it velocity rather than speed. Velocity is a vector
quantity having both magnitude and direction. The magnitude of the
vector is the speed). Instrumentation can't directly detect velocity,
except from relative motion to something else. So for instance in a car,
speed was traditionally detected mechanically by having a flexible
steel cable connected between the mechanical speedometer and
transmission, but more likely electronically nowadays using a Hall
Effect sensor or similar to count rotations of a component in the
transmission such as the front axle. (Like the sensor and magnet on your
bicycle wheel to measure speed). Aircraft airspeed can be measured
using tubes called pitot tubes
connected to the fuselage, which measure drop in air pressure as air
flows over the openings. (The same pressure drop principle used in
carburetors of petrol engines and paint sprayers). The variation in air
pressure then gets processed and ultimately results in a display of
airspeed on a gauge on the instrument panel.