Wednesday, February 28, 2024

The Cloud and Data Clutter

Public domain image by 200 degreess on Pixabay

The "Cloud" conjures up an image of a futuristic, esoteric, floating entity, high above our heads (I see the clouds in The Simpsons opening sequence!), but in reality, information from our smartphones and other devices stored in the cloud actually resides in data centres. These are big industrial buildings, with large numbers of racks or cabinets of servers, effectively hard drives or solid-state drives and their auxiliary networking and telecommunications hardware. To make data bulletproof, multiple redundancy is built into cloud storage so that any piece of data is duplicated over multiple systems, possibly in different geographical locations. In this clip from Today With Claire Byrne, Colm Ó Mongáin talks to technology journalist Adam Maguire about data clutter, old and hoarded files and the ever-increasing demand for more storage.

Friday, February 23, 2024

Electromagnetic Induction and the Force on a Conductor in a Magnetic Field

A varying electrical current in the coil on the left produces a fluctuating magnetic field. This loops through the coil on the right, inducing an electrical current. Image by Ponor, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

Two principles, discovered in the early 19th century on which motors, generators and transformers work.

Electromagnetic Induction

Move a conductor (e.g. a piece of wire) in a magnetic field (produced by a magnet), or move the field and keep the conductor stationary or thirdly, vary the strength of the field. The result is that a current is induced in the conductor. This is how all electrical generators and transformers work, electricity being induced or generated in coils of wire as a magnetic field varies in strength. It's the main reason too why we use AC electricity for distribution.

Force on a Conductor in a Magnetic Field

Pass a current through a conductor placed in a magnetic field. The conductor experiences a force which tends to push it. This is the principle on which electric motors work.
Several scientists in the early 19th century made fundamental discoveries about the nature of electric currents and magnetic fields. Two of these were the Danish physicist Hans Christian Ørsted and the English scientist Michael Faraday. Faraday's apparatus including a transformer and motor can be seen in the Faraday Museum at the home of the Royal Institution in London.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

150 MWh of Battery Storage

Public domain image by Sandia National Laboratories via Wikimedia Commons.

A new energy storage facility opened at the Poolbeg Power Station which according to The Irish Times has the ability to source 75 MW of power for two hours. Hopefully it'll act as a stop gap in times of energy need. For comparison, the pumped storage hydroelectric station at Turlough Hill in Wicklow can provide 292 MW of electricity from its four alternators (AC generators) for 6 hours (so the energy storage capacity is 292 MW x 6 = 1752 MWh)

More details are available in this Irish Times article.

What is the Relationship Between Power and Energy?

Power is measured in watts and is defined as the rate of use of energy or rate of doing work.
Power = energy/time (dividing something by time gives a rate)
Therefore, rearranging the equation
Energy = power x time. 
In the SI system, energy or work done is measured in joules (or calories in imperial units)
One joule is equivalent to 1 watt for 1 second.
A one kilowatt (1000 watts) heater uses 1000 W x 3600 seconds = 3.6 million joules in one hour
However in the context of electricity, the watt-hour (Wh), kilowatt-hour (kWh) and megawatt-hour (MWh) are more commonly used as units of energy.
One kWh (or a unit on your electricity bill) is the amount of energy used by a 1000 W or 1 kW appliance in one hour (or 100 W in 10 hours etc)
An example of doing work and using power to do it is lifting an object off the ground. To lift an object a certain distance requires work to be done to give the object potential energy by way of its height above the ground. If you lift the object faster, your arm produces more power, but the object takes less time to be lifted. Similarly if the object is lifted less forcefully, i.e less power is used, the time is greater. In both cases although the power is different, energy = power x time is the same.

Light, the Universe, and Everything

Public domain image by geralt via Pixabay.
Various hypotheses exist about the creation of the universe, one of the most popular in science being the Big Bang Theory. However unlike the creation of the world depicted in the Book of Genesis, there was no "void". There was no space nor time either and the Big Bang didn't happen "over there" at a point we could put a sign at today saying "This is Where the Big Bang Occurred, 13.7 Billion Years Ago". In a sense, it happened everywhere. There's much speculation and lots of hypotheses in the world of physics about how exactly the event occurred, and even complex physics can't totally explain it. Current thinking is that the event occurred at a singularity or point in the mathematical sense, with no dimension or at least it was extremely small, of the order of 10⁻³⁵ m. Everything in the current universe existed at that tiny point. Space and time were also created when the Big Bang occurred, and space was, is and will continue to be created as the universe expands (i.e. the explosion didn't expand into a pre-existing enormous void, space is "made" during the expansion). Also asking what happened before the Big Bang is an invalid question because time only began when the event occurred. There was no "before".

This episode of Big Picture Science from 2012 explores these concepts.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Temu Magnifier That Uses a Fresnel Lens

Credit card magnifier. Photo © Eugene Brennan
© Eugene Brennan
My latest gadget from Temu, a credit card sized magnifier. This is really useful and the scientific angle is that it makes use of a Fresnel lens. These types of lenses are used in front of the lamps in lighthouses and also as the plastic window in PIR sensors. "Normal" spherical lenses are made from a curved piece of glass, plastic or quartz, making use of the refractive powers of the material to bend light. However they can be quite thick when used for high magnification. A Fresnel lens reduces the thickness and volume of material required by using individual elements or concentric, prismatic rings, so that magnifiers can even be manufactured in flat sheet. 

More info on Wikipedia here:

Fresnel Lens

First-order rotating catadioptric Fresnel lens, dated 1870, displayed at the Musée national de la Marine, Paris. Image by Rama, CeCill licence via Wikimedia Commons

Saturday, February 17, 2024

The Farthest Man-made Object From Earth

Engineers working on NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft: Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech   

The Voyager 1 spacecraft is now almost one light day or 15 billion miles distant from Earth, travelling at a speed of 11 miles or 18 kilometres per second. Both Voyager 1 and its sister probe Voyager 2 were launched in 1977 on missions to explore the Solar System and outer planets. A light year isn't a length of time, but a measurement of the distance light travels in one year, 6 trillion or 6,000,000,000,000 miles. It's a convenient measurement used for huge astronomical distances, so the numbers don't become really long. Our nearest star, Proxima Centauri, is just over 4 light years away or 24 trillion miles, but that's still a tiny distance in the scale of the Cosmos. Our nearest galaxy, the Andromeda Galaxy, is at a distance of 2.5 million light years.

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘍𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘵, a documentary directed by film maker Emer Reynolds and an Emmy Award winner, tells the epic story of Voyager 1 & 2 from the perspective of those involved. Worth checking out on your favourite streaming service

Voyager - Fast Facts - Info on the probes

The Scale of Things

Image by permission Peter Ruette, project manager of Scale of the Universe

Scale of the Universe, a wonderful, interactive demo, showing the scale of things from the infinitesimally small to astronomically large. Best viewed on a laptop/desktop so you can use the scroll wheel on a mouse to zoom in or out.

For those unfamiliar with exponentiation and scientific notation used in the demo:

The number 10 can be represented as 10¹ or "10 to the power of one"
10 x 10 = 100 as 10² or "ten to the power of two"
10 x 10 x 10 = 1000 as 10³
and so on
For numbers less than 1:
1/10 or 1 tenth is represented as 10⁻¹
1/100 as 10⁻²
1/1000 as 10⁻³
and so on
1 is 10⁰
In scientific notation a number such as 2456 would be expressed as 2.456 x 10³  (I.e. 2.456 x 1000), often with just one significant figure to the left of the decimal point. Sometimes more than one figure is used, especially if the number is a measurement expressed in base units. So 25 mm would be expressed as 25 x 10⁻³ m because the metre is the SI unit of length (25 x 10⁻³ = 25 x 1/1000 or 0.025 m)

Friday, February 16, 2024

Interesting Facts - What is Torque?


© Eugene Brennan

Torque is a quantity often encountered in the context of the specs of vehicles and power tools. A common misconception is that torque is the same thing as power, and an engine that produces more torque has more power, but that's not necessarily the case.

So what exactly is torque?


A little bit of maths and algebra required here, but it's not rocket science! If there are two forces acting opposite to each other as shown in the diagram, but not in a line, it's called a "couple". If the distance between each force F is d, then the magnitude of the couple is called the torque = Fd (F multiplied by d) Torque is a twisting force. Bigger forces means greater torque. Increasing the distance between the forces also increases torque (which is why bigger handles on gate valves or longer handles on tools give more turning force. More info on forces here:
ANKAWÜ, CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons


What are gearboxes for?

Gears are torque converters converting high speed low torque into lower speed higher torque (or vice versa). At its most simplest, a gearing arrangement is simply one gear wheel driving another as in the animation below. A common misconception is that more torque = more power. However this isn't necessarily so. Reduction gearing for instance produces more torque, but it also reduces angular rotation speed at the output of the gearbox. Since power = torque x angular rotation speed, power stays the same. A gearbox is used in your car to produce variable amounts of speed and torque, depending on conditions. A low gear, producing a large torque on the wheels, which transforms into a large force pushing forwards on the axle, is necessary to get the car moving, or for it to climb hills. Without it, the engine would have to have a much larger horsepower to accelerate the vehicle from a standstill. Once a car starts moving and reaches cruising speed, a relatively small force is required to overcome friction at the wheels and drag (friction due to the vehicle moving through the air), hence the use of higher gears. Gearboxes are used as speed/torque converters in lots of other machines including windmills, power tools and winches. Pulleys of differing diameter, driving each other via belts, work in practically the same way as gearing systems, changing speed and torque.
Torque is measured in newton metres (Nm). In the US, the unit of torque is the pound-force foot (lbf · ft) abbreviated to pound-foot (lb⋅ft) More info here:

Image attributions:


Wheel valve: ANKAWÜ, CC BY-SA via Wikimedia Commons.
Gear animation: Jahobr, Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication via Wikimedia Commons

How ESB Electrified Ireland

An interactive map from the ESB archives. 45 homes in Kilcullen were connected in 1938 according to the map (Possibly Nicholastown housing estate making up most of them). Several towns and villages had their own localised electricity systems pre-ESB, with electricity produced by generators driven by stationary engines or mill wheels. Carlow was the first town to have lighting in 1891, powered by a generator at a flour mill in Millford, four miles from the town. This was likely a DC generator, known as a dynamo, because AC transmission of power wasn't commonplace until somewhat later.

How Do Astronauts Weigh Themselves in Space?

Some background info first. Mass and weight are two entirely different things with very specific meanings in physics, (the branch of science concerned with forces, waves and motion.) Both mass (as in "massive", not the thing you go to on Sundays) is the amount of "stuff" in an object whereas weight is a force. Mass is the same no matter where an object is located in the Universe, however weight is a force due to gravity. On planets where gravity is less, objects weigh less and vice versa (This is why astronauts appeared to bounce around on the Moon.) Mass and weight are both measured in kilos, and the kilo, along with the metre, second and others is one of the seven base SI units. (SI stands for the French Système International)


How is weight measured?


A traditional weighing scales uses a spring in its mechanism for working out weight. As the spring stretches or compresses due to weight being placed on a connected pan or hook, a pointer attached to the spring moves on a scale, indicating weight. Another technique for measuring weight is to use a balance. These were regularly used in grocery and hardware stores for measuring food items, fertiliser and ironmongery such as nails. The idea is simple: A balance is like a seesaw. Place the material to be measured on one side and stack up a series of assorted known weights on the other side until the "seesaw" is balanced and a pointer indicates zero. Then the weights on both sides are the same. More modern weighing scales are electronic, using piezoelectric load cells that produce a voltage proportional to weight. This voltage signal can ultimately be used to drive a digital display.

Why can't astronauts use "normal" weighing scales?


In space astronauts are weightless. Actually that's not strictly true, they're just constantly falling which makes them weightless, rather than truly weightless as they would be in deep space, far away from any planets or stars. The fact that they're weightless means they can't stand on a normal scales and press down on it. So a different technique must be used as explained by Canadian Space Agency astronaut David Saint-Jacques in the YouTube video below.


Thermal Energy Storage (But Not as You Know It!)


Public domain image by Pexels on Pixabay

As we wean ourselves off fossil fuels and move to renewables such as wind and solar power, the issue of energy storage becomes more significant. So when the Sun doesn't shine and the wind doesn't blow, we need a reservoir or buffer of energy we can draw on to maintain the electricity supply. Some technologies will need to be developed or are already at a trial stage such as underground hydrogen or compressed air storage. Both of these can be used to generate electricity. Hydrogen has the advantage that it doesn't produce CO₂ when it burns, simply water or H₂O. In a thermal power station (which have traditionally burned coal, oil, gas or turf), burning hydrogen produces heat that boils water, making steam which then drives turbines to spin alternators and generate electricity. Other technologies are already in use such as pumped storage (e.g. Turlough Hill), where water is pumped to a higher level when there's a surplus of electricity and generates power on demand at a later time as it flows downhill through the turbines to turn the alternators. Another way of storing electricity is simply in large lithium ion battery storage facilities, but that's controversial as we saw locally because of the concern over battery failure and fire. The technology as described in this article envisages storing heat in graphite blocks at extremely high temperatures of up to 2,600 °C. Heat is transported around the system using molten tin (a technique already used in some nuclear power stations and submarines). This specific system has a 41% efficiency, much lower than that of battery storage, and because of the difficulty of insulating against heat loss, 1% of the stored energy is lost per day. However as a short term means of storing energy, it may be promising.

Does Gold Conduct Electricity?


Image attribution: Public domain by Stevebidmed via Pixabay

Electricity doesn't just flow through any material. Some materials called conductors allow the passage of a current and others called insulators prevent it flowing. An example of a conductor is copper as used in electric cables and we cover these cables with PVC, an insulator which electricity cannot pass through easily. Conductors can be solids, gases or liquids, but typically they're metals. Some metals are better than others at conducting electricity, i.e. they have a higher conductivity or lower resistivity.
In order of increasing conductivity we have: 
Copper is widely used as a conductor in electronics, electrical appliances and for power cables. It's ductile (i.e. can be easily stretched and deformed into wires), malleable (can be easily depressed into shape by compressive forces) and relatively cheap. Silver is more conductive than copper, but much more expensive. Aluminium is less conductive than copper, but lighter and so is used for overhead distribution cables. Gold is less conductive than copper and more expensive. However unlike copper, its desirable characteristic is that it doesn't tarnish, i.e. oxidise in air due to contact with oxygen. It doesn't react with other common compounds either. Electrical connectors are usually made of brass and often coated with nickel. However these can tarnish over time, and this results in a degradation in performance because the tarnish coating isn't very conductive. This is why more expensive audio/video connectors are coated with gold so that they don't tarnish, resulting in possible bad connections between equipment.

Understanding Energy and Work Done

 ...and why do mills need weirs?

Image © OSI/Tailte Éireann


In physics, energy and work have very specific meanings:
  • Energy is the ability to do work
  • Work is done when a force moves a body through a distance
So for instance the head of a hammer has energy due to motion called kinetic energy. The hammer loses its momentum and kinetic energy when it hits the head of a nail, and this creates a force on impact as the hammer rapidly decelerates. That force can be the equivalent of a tonne weight or more, and is capable of driving the nail into a block of timber. The kinetic energy of the hammer can do work, and the work done occurs as the force on the nail moves it through a distance (i.e. into the wood) against the force of friction.

Types of Energy


An ongoing "theme" with energy is that it frequently changes from one form to another, but work is strictly only done when that energy creates a mechanical force that moves something through a distance. More about this later.

Kinetic energy

This is due to the motion of an object. A vehicle moving on a road has kinetic energy. The energy is proportional to the mass of the vehicle (measured in kilos in the SI system) and also the square of the velocity (velocity is just speed in a certain direction. Technically it's a vector quantity, unlike mass and speed which are scalar quantities and have no direction). So if speed doubles, kinetic energy quadruples. If speed increases ten times, kinetic energy becomes one hundred times what it was originally. This is why high speed vehicle crashes are so destructive and why even a small meteorite travelling at several tens of thousands of kilometres per hour can vaporise on impact and release huge amounts of heat energy (even though the meteorite is only made of rock and not combustible material)
For an object of mass m moving at a velocity v, the energy of the body is:
E = ½ mv²
© Eugene Brennan

Potential Energy

An object has energy due to its position in a force field. The field could be magnetic, electric or gravitational. If you lift a brick, you're giving that brick potential energy as you do work on the brick (in the physics sense, i.e. you're exerting a force to lift the brick through a distance, against the force of gravity). When you hold the brick stationary, it now has potential energy and you're no longer doing work on it. If you drop it, that potential energy is converted into kinetic energy as the block gains momentum and increases in velocity. If the block makes contact with the ground, it can do work. Think pile drivers on construction sites, forcing pilings down into the ground. The mill we had in the centre of Kilcullen, like any mill, had a weir. The function of a weir is to act like a dam, causing water to back up and rise in level so that it gains potential energy (like the lifting a brick example). Often weirs were built some distance upriver to benefit from the gradient along the river, and a mill race then connected the weir to the mill. As water exited from the weir, the height of the water and resulting potential energy gave it added kinetic energy to drive a mill wheel. The pumped storage power station at Turlough Hill uses the same principle: Pump water up hundreds of metres onto the top of a hill when electricity is plentiful and then release it when there's an electricity demand. The potential energy is then converted into electrical energy as it flows downwards to spin the turbines and alternators. A wound clock spring is another example of potential energy, the energy in this case is stored in the tension of the spring. This energy is released and does work when it turns the hands of a clock.
For an object of mass m at a height h, the equation for energy is:

E = mgh

Where g is the acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 m/s²

Electrical energy

Electricity does work when it powers motors or electromagnets for lifting steel in scrapyards. Electricity flowing through the stationary coils of a motor creates a force on the armature/rotor (the bit that turns). Again work is being done because of the forces and motion involved.

Chemical energy

Energy can be stored in chemical form and then released later to do work. Charged batteries are an example. As a battery discharges, chemical energy is converted to electrical energy in the form of a flowing current. The current can then power electric motors in power tools or vehicles. Work is done when a drill bit is turned or a motor causes a vehicle to move. Explosives are another form of chemical energy. Some of the chemical energy is released as unwanted heat energy.

Heat energy

Heat is another form of useful energy, due to the motion of atoms (moving, twisting and shaking). In an internal combustion petrol engine or external combustion steam engine, heat creates pressure that forces pistons down cylinders (the pressure creating a force on a piston and the piston doing work as it moves)

Electromagnetic energy

This is energy transmitted in the form of electromagnetic radiation. All our energy on Earth ultimately originates and originated from the Sun. This is in the form of light, heat and other parts of the EM spectrum, reaching Earth from space, but also as fossil fuel, created by biochemical processes in the distant past that used solar energy to power them. Electrical energy is generated from solar radiation landing on solar panels, but the Sun also drives the rain cycle, evaporating water from the land and ocean and giving it potential energy as it rises into the atmosphere. That water then becomes clouds, rain and eventually rivers that turn the turbines in hydroelectric power plants. Our fossil fuels such as oil, coal and gas, originally started of as plants or marine animals. Plants used solar energy for photosynthesis which turned CO2 into cellulose and lignin, the chief constituents of wood and coal. Marine organisms at the bottom of the food chain ate tiny plants that again owed their existence to solar energy, these animals ultimately becoming oil.

Units of Energy and Work


Energy is measured in various types of units. On your electricity bill energy is measured in "units" or kWh (kilowatt hours), however in the SI system, both energy and work done are measured in joules.
Definition: One joule of work is done when one newton displaces a body one metre in the direction of the force. In general if W is work done, F is the force and s is the distance
W = Fs

Energy Being Converted From One Form to Another


In its position raised above the ground, our brick in the example above has potential energy. As it falls, it loses that potential energy and gains kinetic energy due to motion. As it hits the ground, it makes sound energy and heat. Work is also done when the ground is compressed and dented on impact.
Another example is charging a phone. Electrical energy is converted to chemical energy in the battery. That energy is released later as electrical energy when it powers the phone and produces sound energy from the speaker and electromagnetic energy in the form of light coming from the screen.
A third example is solar panels. These convert light (a form electromagnetic energy, just like heat, X-rays or UV) into electrical energy.
Brakes on vehicles are a good example of nearly all the kinetic energy of the vehicle being converted into heat in the brake pads and disks as the vehicle slows down. Brake discs on racing cars can get red hot, so light energy can also be produced.
More information on forces, newtons and weight here, that makes the questions below easier to understand.

Questions and Answers


Question 1
What is the energy of a one kilo mass moving at 1.8 m/s (metre per second, equivalent to fast walking speed )
The equation for kinetic energy is energy = ½mv²
where m is the mass and v is the velocity
Energy = ½mv² = ½(1)(1.8)² = 1.62 joules
Question 2
A mass of 10 kg is lifted one metre above the ground. How much work is done lifting the weight and how much potential energy does it gain?
If the lifting force upwards is greater than the weight force acting downwards, work is done giving the mass potential energy. However there is a net upwards force (lifting force - weight) and hence the weight also gains kinetic energy (Newtons second law, the force accelerates the weight). So imagine the upwards force just balances the weight, but is infinitesimally greater. The weight moves upwards infinitely slowly. In this scenario, the upwards force equals the downwards force.
So let the mass be m, the height be h and the upwards force be F. The acceleration due to gravity is g.
The weight acting downwards is W =mg
The force F acting upwards balances the weight W acting downwards.
The work equation is work done = force x distance = Fs
s = h = 1 m
m = 10 kg
g = 9.81 m/s²
So work done = Fs =Fh
But force lifting weight upwards = weight acting downwards
So substituting for F gives
Work done = Fh = Wh = mgh
Plugging in the values gives:
Work done = mgh = 10 x 9.81 x 1 = 98.1 joules
So the equation for work done moving a mass m to a height h is mgh
This is also the potential energy gained by the mass.

What’s the Difference Between AC and DC?

No, not the result of the split-up of the heavy metal band...

In this article, I explore the details.

© Eugene Brennan

Science Friday — The Positives of AI


Image created with Bing Image Creator
Using AI to read diagnostic images, develop new drugs, predict diseases by examining the retina and more. Science Friday presenters Ira Flatlow and Sophie Bushwick talk with cardiologist and professor of Molecular Medicine Eric Topol, founder and director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute in La Jolla, California.

Suspension Bridges in Ireland

An inventory of traditional suspension bridges.

Kenmare Suspension Bridge. Public domain image via Wikimedia Commons

Some Items Spotted on the OSI's 6" Last Edition Map

Maps courtesy OSI (Tailte Éireann)

The 110 kV transmission line from the Ardnacrusha hydroelectric power station crossed the Newbridge Road close to the CPC, on its way to Dublin. I'm not sure when it was dismantled, but I've seen it in the background of old photos from the 60s and I vaguely remember a rusty pylon still in-situ in the 70s, close to the Athy road near Ballyshannon. Also what was the "Engine House" for, indicated by the arrow? A pump for a well or had the CPC a stationary engine for generating electricity, pre-rural electrification? I know of at least two premises in the town that had their own electricity generators, the mill and the Berney residence at Sunnyside, using water power and a stationary engine respectively.

These maps are available to view on the Irish Townland and Historical Map Viewer here:

Wednesday, February 14, 2024